Importance of Content marketing for business

Importance of content marketing for business

A group has a different target group, different goals and a different budget. While a small online shopping has a tight media budget and statements such as: “We have no resources left for this” represent everyday life rather than the exception, this is the opposite for business. This article deals with part of search marketing – importance of content marketing. In particular, reference is made to importance of content marketing for business.

The content marketing

The Content Marketing is one way the rankings of your website to improve. This is done through back-links, which are always included in an informative article and must offer the reader added value. Otherwise, the link is almost worthless and will most likely not affect the ranking. An inclusion in a real link list, for example the partner section with a service provider, would be another option for linking. This article deals with content marketing where the text around the link plays a central role. This discipline of off-page optimization differs from classic and now outdated link building. Nowadays, such inferior back-links in blog comments or forums tend to be viewed more frequently as spam and deleted immediately.

The Content Marketing therefore combines back-links with content and engages the reader value in focus.

The internal structure and distribution of tasks

A group is completely different from a 20-man company. Due to the company structure and the large number of employees, it should be borne in mind that there are special responsibilities. If a content marketing project is to be implemented, teams are divided. Different tasks have to be distributed and done:

  1. The type of preparation and topic determination: Should an e-book be created or would you prefer a blog series with various coordinated articles? The topic must be current and relevant to the reader. This process can take several days.
  2. Text creation or content creation: This relates to the one creates the content? Can the content be created internally? The contributions must be well-founded and factual. In addition, the texts may not be adopted from other content. Not even if this content was created by the group itself. If these are already online, Google sees another publication as duplicated content and in the worst case punishes / penalizes the website.
  3. Make the content known: In order to achieve this, an additional team is required that contacts editors and webmasters and draws attention to the content. In addition, there is the coordination and coordination of interests between the webmaster and the group.

The available media budget

This results in what is feasible and what is not. The creation and distribution of an e-book require a larger budget and more time than two advertorials per month. The cost of an e-book campaign is divided into several parts:

  1. The workforce of your own in-house team: The team that works on content marketing can temporarily not fully perform other tasks.
  2. External service providers: The skills for professional photos, layout design and the corresponding implementation on the website may not be found in your own group. In order to receive a professional product, external partners may have to be included in the budget.
  3. Objectives and duration of the campaign: This point contributes significantly to how much budget has to be planned. Depending on the desired scope and objective in terms of the number of links, there are different budget ranges.

The target group

Business can have different target groups. The direction of content marketing for companies is very different here and must always be the focus when creating the content. Some business target both private and business customers. It is advisable to either run two different campaigns or to operate only one of the two groups. If the company has a pure B2B or B2C orientation, it is easier to find a topic and the appropriate scope.

Content marketing for business – conclusion

In order to implement content marketing for business in the form of a campaign, various means must be provided and responsibilities clarified. As with other projects, enough staff, time and budget always have to be planned. Otherwise, it is doomed to fail.

The content marketing is a good way, user interest and back-links to unite and provide a sustainable content.

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